Lowest Number Game

So, most of the puzzles Mark has been feeding me lately have actually come from a single website, rather than from his crazy new hypothetical officemates. For 'credit where credit is due' purposes, I will direct your attention to Tanya Khovanova’s Math Blog, which still has a few more puzzles on it that I am going to put up here, but that can wait. First, a game that I learned about some time ago, but never knew before that it had such an interesting analysis:
Three people each put $1 on the table. They then each simultaneously write down a positive integer. The integers chosen are then revealed and whoever wrote down the lowest unique one wins the $3. If everybody wrote down the same integer, then they each get their $1 back. Find the equlibrium strategy for this game.

This is a fairly standard game, and some people actually play it with large groups, it works out pretty well. The 3 player game is quite solvable though, and has a fairly cool solution. I suppose you could also change ties to "everybody loses their $1" and see what change it makes, I haven't done that yet. I guess there might be multiple equilibria in the strategy space, so the puzzle is to find any of them.

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