The solution starts with the standard thing of spending the ones you can afford to get wrong right off the bat and then having everybody else correct. Surprisingly, you can use the two people in the back to tell the next three people their hat colours. Numbering the people from back to front, person 1 can see all the way to person 5. First, person 1 will volunteer if person 3's hat colour is black, and person 2 will volunteer if person 3's hat colour is white. Person 1 will make his guess equal to person 4's hat colour, and person 2 will make his guess equal to person 5's hat colour. In this way, we now have the back three people knowing their hat colour and we cannot afford any more incorrect answers.
If you had tried solving this problem but did not notice a way to get three people to know their hat colours, you might want to stop reading and go try again, that first step is crucial.
Alright, now for the rest of the solution:
Call the current back people A,B,C,D,E,F, and G. A can see all the way to E. A and B will guess their hat colours next, A will guess first if D and E have the same colour hat, B will guess first if D and E have different colours of hat.
Now D knows his own hat colour (he can see E's), and E knows his hat colour relative to D's. Next C and D will guess. C will guess first if F and G have the same hat colour, and D will guess first if F and G have different hat colours. When D makes his guess (either first or second), E will learn his hat colour. F knows his hat colour (he can see G's) and G knows his hat colour relative to F. The part of the solution in this paragraph is stable and can propagate all the way forward.
And at the end, when everybody knows their own hat colour, everybody can just volunteer and finish things off.