Drinking Game

New puzzle time? It seems like that can only cause disaster when I finally run out of puzzles. My usual sources seem to be drying up, but I guess I have a few left. This one is from the xkcd forums (though, reworded):
Alice and Bob are going to be playing a game where they must drink poison. There are three bottles of poison to be divided among the players and the goal is to drink as little as possible (as some amount of the poison is lethal, but the players do not know how much). The game begins with Alice pouring some amount of the first bottle into a cup, then Bob selects if he would like to drink everything in the cup or everything in the bottle. Whichever one he does not choose Alice must drink. Then Alice pours some of the second bottle into a cup and Bob chooses who will drink from the cup and who will drink from the bottle, finally the third bottle is divided the same way. A special rule is in place however, Bob is not allowed to select from the cup all three times, he must select the bottle at least once. How should Alice divide up the bottles to minimize the amount she must drink?

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